“The Mooncalfe” – An Arthurian tale of Merlin’s daughter.
“Feeding the Feral Children” – In 235 BC, a young man in China falls in love, but needs money to buy land in order to convince a young woman’s father that he is a worthy suitor. Taking the dangerous new Silk Road into Persia, he must face giant pink-tusked elephants, desert sandstorms, and dangerous bandits. But when all that he owns is stolen, he runs afoul of Mongol sorcerer, to the peril of his soul.
“Dark Destiny, Bright Lady” – Merlin and Arthur head down a dirt path only to be attacked by enemies.
“Ship of Fools” – Erstwhyle, a satyr and a fool, seeks fortune with his comrades, going to evil Prince Crydon’s court to entertain him, but Crydon has a collection of fine skulls and a Satyr skull would be a prized piece.